Comedy • News • Politics
Once solo professional writers and actors, we tied the knot and then committed to a podcast. He's a Marine, she's a ginger, both are in a constant state of disbelief at the political climate, so we make fun of it all with parodies and terrible animations.
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Holy Crap, This is Actually Happening — Re-Imagined Edition

The US is not a Republic, so sayeth CNN. You are now safe to make gay U-turns in L.A. Uvalde parents sue the wrong guys. Sandy Hook parents’ grift is starting to make even Alex Jones haters suspicious. Dr. “The Science” Fauci finally fesses up that he made it all up. New Jersey DAs just can’t get Trump off of their minds. Biden’s lies have become so epic that he’ll be writing the next Jurassic Park spinoff, but first, he’ll have an honest moment to let China and Russia know we’re unarmed.

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My Pa!

Tonight we celebrate dads in the start of our 8th season. We check in on some fun news, weird news, naughty news, and ridiculous goings-on. Happy Father's Day!

Saving Brandon's Privates

We delve into what D-Day really means, celebrate some dinosaur poo, and share lots of Florida Man stories that will make you laugh, then worry about society. We wrap it up with stories that restore your faith in society.

The Verdict.

Tyrant Biden could have at least made it somewhat covert, but his cultists are in too deep to care.

They kept saying he was "fiery" ...yeah, dumpster fiery.
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SOTU Address

Got an early copy of Biden's SOTU:

Blatant lies about
-the economy
-the border
-his latest new wars

Orange Man Bad
60% of you are terrorists
Republicans won't cooperate

Muh democracy

Peppered with:
Creepy pedo whisper
Incoherent rambling
Dementia anger with fist waving/pounding

Happy Wish We Had a President Day

I would celebrate #PresidentsDay if we had a president. Maybe next year.

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